An Importer -Exporter Code (IEC) is a key business identification number which mandatory for export from India or Import to India. No export or import shall be made by any person without obtaining an IEC unless specifically exempted.

To generate IEC code for your business, an application for grant of IEC number is made by the Registered/Head office of the applicant and you need to visit the nearest Regional Authority of Directorate General Foreign Trade. IEC number is issued on a official PAN number.

Services is also required. IEC stands for Import Export Code. It is a 10 digit number which is allotted by the director general of foreign trade (DGFT), Ministry of Commerce. … If import or export is made for personal use or is made by government department then no IEC is required.

Must be accompanied by any import licenses. This will enable the customs to clear the documents and allow the import without delay. These must be attached so that the customs can verify the price and decide on the classification under which the import tariff can be calculated.