Meaning of Guidance. The guidance refers to advice or information provided by a person of experience, to solve a problem or improve something. The guidance refers to the process of helping individuals to discover and develop their potential.

Guidance can mean steering (like the navigation system in a satellite) or the act of providing direction (like a guidance counselor does). Back in the 1530s, guidance started out meaning “the process of directing conduct,” similar to what we think of when we think of parents, mentors, or counselors.

Guidance counseling, byname counseling and guidance, the process of helping individuals discover and develop their educational, vocational, and psychological potentialities and thereby to achieve an optimal level of personal happiness and social usefulness.



In a nutshell, consultants provide expert opinions, analysis, and recommendations to organizations or individuals, based on their own expertise. They’re essentially fixers, serving as objective troubleshooters, and providing strategies to prevent problems and improve performance.

Consulting is the business of providing expert advice to a specific group of people. The definition is that simple. … A consultant is someone who has some level of expertise that a particular group of people find valuable, and people within that group are willing to pay the consultant to access their expertise.

Many consultants choose to earn money on a per-project basis rather than an hourly rate. … Being a consultant involves a lot of perks, but it also involves hard work and risk. Your hourly wage should and can reflect this. In fact, the average consulting fee ranges from thirty to hundreds of dollars an hour.

You can always call yourself consultant, because the definition of a consultant is not that strict: A person who provides expert advice professionally.