
A patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention. … In other words, patent protection means that the invention cannot be commercially made, used, distributed, imported, or sold by others without the patent owner’s consent.

A patent protects the discoveries and inventions, which are novel, non-obvious, and useful. There are three types of patents under the Patent Law of the United States, namely, utility patents, design patents, and plant patents. A patent gives you the right to stop others from copying, manufacturing, selling or importing your invention without your permission. See protecting intellectual property. You get protection for a pre-determined period, allowing you to keep competitors at bay.



Trademarks are word, phrase, or symbol, which represent a company or product. They distinguish the products or services of one company or organization from those its competitors may provide. … Some other examples of trademarks include acronyms (like NBC, IBM) and extend to slogans, stylized fonts, and even colors.

In general, you must use a trademark in your business in order to have trademark rights. But the USPTO offers a way for businesses to preserve their right to use a trademark in the future. … You will need to begin using your trademark and submit additional paperwork to complete the federal registration process.